Manitou Island Wetlands


Location: From SR 25 and SR 14 in Rochester, take 14 east to 400E (Country CLub Road) and turn right. Go about two-thirds of a mile to a right turn; this takes you to the public fishing area on the shore. Unload your canoe, paddle west until the lake opens up to the south, then go south to the southwest corner of the lake, where the preserve is located. You did remember to bring the canoe, didn't you?

Description: A marsh with scattered wooded islands throughout. All kinds of neat flowers and waterplants; lots of birds (ducks for example) and other wildlife. This is a fairly strange scene, paddling between little bumps of land in pretty shallow water that is fairly thick with water plants. Hard to describe--you'll have to see it for yourself. 107 acres. No trails.

Nearby Points of Interest: Tippecanoe River State Park is only a little bit out of the way. Man, this is in the middle of nowhere.

Cautions: Mosquitoes likely. No idea how deep the lake is in the middle. Hunting is allowed, so try not to look like a duck. They're serious about the access by water only part; there really is no other way to even see this. I'm not sure that it is a good idea to get out of the canoe; the islands seem a little soft.

Ownership: Indiana DNR.



National Forest