Anderson Falls

Location: From Columbus, take SR 46 east through Petersville; about 4.5 miles further, take CR 925E south and follow it as it becomes CR 200N. Go two miles, then north one half mile on CR 1140E to the parking lot on the left. Preserve is on the right.

Description: Falls 14 feet high and 100 feet wide, probably best in spring when there's more water coming through. Check the creek bed for fossils. Ridges, ravines, woods. There is a trail crossing several giant quarried limestone blocks across the river, and spring wildflowers are good; there are also several very large trees in the park. There was quite a bit of trash right around the falls when I visited, but still I saw three watersnakes, several frogs and huge tadpoles and lots of fish, as well as the very interesting geology of the falls themselves, where a layer of dolomite overlies a much softer bed of shale (which in turn lies over another layer of dolomite) so that the falls are constantly being undercut and retreating upstream. The trails are short and worth the walk.

Nearby Points of Interest: Selmier State Forest; Hoosier National Forest and Brown County State Park not too far away.

Cautions: Watch for broken glass on the rocks below the falls. Remember to just look at the fossils. This is a preserve.

Ownership: Bartholomew County Parks and Recreation Board


National Forest