Olin Lake



Location: From the intersection of US 6 and SR 9, go north on 9 about 7 and a quarter miles. Take CR 600S to the left to the "T" intersection, and turn right on CR 125E; the parking lot for the preserve is half a mile north.

Description: This sounds interesting; it's the largest lake in Indiana with a completely undeveloped shoreline. I didn't think there was such a thing at any size. A marshy border on the lake includes tamarack trees and dwarf birch, which are unusual in Indiana; the area south of the lake is forested. You can lauch a canoe in the lake to the north, Oliver Lake and paddle into Olin through a connecting channel. I think I'll do just that. Note that there are a bunch of nature preserves in this area. From Olin Lake Preserve, you can directly access Martin Lake Nature Preserve (although Martin Lake requires permission and is thus not otherwise listed in these pages) to the north (an ACRES property), and the DNR's Peterman Nature Preserve north of that. If you canoe in, you can also get to the Indian River Nature Preserve, and pass through the Marsh Wren Nature Preserve on your way. So have fun.

Cautions: The dreaded massasauga rattlesnake haunts these fens.

Ownership: Indiana DNR


National Forest