Big Spring Nature Preserve



Location: From Salem take SR 135 south for about 8 mi. to Grandview Rd. Turn right (west) onto Grandview Rd. for three-quarters of a mile, then south (left) on Big Springs Rd. to Big Springs Church will be on you right. Park in the church parking lot (try to avoid visiting on Sundays, o.k.? It's nice of them to let people use their lot.). Look for the nature preserve sign and foot trail in the edge of the woods next to the church.

Description: Big Spring is situated at the base of a steep alcove. The spring is about 15 feet in diameter and an estimated 6-8 feet in depth. The water which supplies the spring originates from the sinkhole plain to the northeast. The adjacent hillside contains an old-growth forest. I guess this would be a place to stop at on your way someplace else.

Ownership:  Indiana DNR


National Forest